Use Fear to Fuel Your Success #4


Fear is the greatest growth motivator

Fear was an excellent sense to keep sharp in our earlier stages as humans, and it did a great job by keeping us out of harm’s way. And even though time has passed, and we… kind of evolved, that sense hasn’t gone away, and it flashes its red lights over change, uncertainty, and whatever we’re not used to.

This, in general terms, is not such a good thing as it used to be, because, let’s face it, change is not going to kill us and eat us for lunch…

Allowing these kinds of fears to control our lives only leaves us confined in a comfort zone that gives us a false sense of security or certainty, which is pretty much like hiding under the bed sheets… whatever it is that frightens us, it won’t go away.


In a way, we are wired to seek certainty; it is one of our basic human needs and, just as with gravity, it’s much easier to stay in a resting –comfortable state.

But this behavior doesn’t help us grow; on the contrary, it makes us stay the same forever.

If you want to find out what lies on the other side of comfort, you need to lean into fear, not away from it.

It’s hard at first, I know… that quote that says something about taking the leap and growing wings on your way down is pretty nice. Jumping may actually grow us some wings… but it may also make us crash and burn.

Anyway, you are guaranteed to have some taste of uncertainty and variety; and that’s what we’re looking for.

Wrapping up this series on fear, remember that your life will grow proportionally to your courage and your willingness to chase your fears.
Lean into it this very day; take small steps, let each of them widen your world and guide you on your way to success.


Talk again next week.
Stay strong!


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